Neuigkeiten My DSO Manager

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Discover the services connected to My DSO Manager
Freitag, April 15 2022

My DSO Manager solution is interconnected with a set of service providers to bring you all the information and services needed to reach an optimal Accounts Receivable management. How does it work? To use the associated services, you must have...
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Setup alerts when AR reaches xx % of credit limit!
Donnerstag, März 31 2022

You certainly use credit limits to manage your customer outstandings as well as the related functionalities: validation workflow, risk report, scoring, etc. Anticipate the management of your credit limits! It is now possible to be alerted...
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Why carry out credit analyses?
Donnerstag, März 17 2022

In order to avoid litigation as much as possible, it is necessary to quickly identify the risks of non-payment. This is where credit analysis comes in. The credit analysis studies the client's macro-environment: The customer: Financial...
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