A collection scenario, a film that plays out in several scenes.

Why the notion of a collection scenario?
It is not by chance that the word scenario is used: it is a question of building the conduct
of several scenes that will take place. These scenes will often involve only two actors:the supplier and his customers.
The objective of the scenario is as follows:for the supplier, it is about obtaining payment within the contractual period of what is due by the customer while preserving his satisfaction.
The scenario must not introduce any stressful scene, incomprehension, conflicts, differences, not listening...
But then how to build a collection scenario?
The notion of time is essential.
The unfolding of the scenes is based on a time scale expressed in days. Each scene must be considered as a step. After each step you have to check if the goal has been reached: has the client paid? Is his satisfaction maintained?
This implies that each step must be positioned with sufficient time.

What should be the content of each scene?
We now know that each scene is positioned on a stage.
But what should the scene contain?
The content is based on the media that will be used.
There are different media:
- The phone,
- E-mail,
- Interactive e-mail,
- Sms,
- The visit,
- The committee.
It is clear that each media requires real skills so that its use in the scene leads to the expected result.
Some example of collection scenario:
The telephone exchange
The telephone exchange requires mastering listening, reformulation, questioning ... it's not just picking up the phone and talking. You really have to integrate each scene as being the one that will allow you to reach the target: obtain a promise of payment, identify a reason for non-payment, maintain customer satisfaction.
The same is true for the e-mail: it must be seen as a marketing object. The subject of the e-mail must be thought to encourage the reader to open the e-mail. The text must be clear, precise and catchy. The sending time must be chosen.An e-mail has only 2 targets:
- To trigger a response
- Or to trigger a payment.
The mail
This approach is the same for all media: build a customer visit, set up a cash committee, write an SMS...
The last scene of the scenario is often in a pre-litigation type atmosphere, it is therefore better never to play the movie to the end.
But who writes the script of collection scenario?
We mentioned earlier that the scenes in each scenario usually have 2 actors (customer and supplier). Note that in 100% of cases,it is the supplier who writes the screenplay.
It is therefore important to know which client will take the stage. The same scenario is not necessarily used with all of its clients.
Several criteria can be taken into account: the size of the customer, his paying profile, his nature (private customer, public customer), its method of payment ...
These data are important to use so that the scenario sticks to the skin of the actors.
My DSO Manager allows you to build your own scenarios and above all to make them evolve.
My DSO Manager offers you the best media on the market, without forgetting the favorite: e-mail and interactive e-mail.
My DSO Manager assists you in the implementation and transformation of your scenarios.
My DSO Managersupports you with a dispute monitoring process to guarantee satisfaction of your customers.
Do not go on stage without a solid scenario, essential lever to improve your performance and thus avoid reaching the end of the film.
Do not go on stage without a solid scenario, essential lever to improve your performance and thus avoid reaching the end of the film.