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When will you be paid by your customers?

Knowing when you will get paid by your customers is a key issue in your business management.

In order to have this visibility, My DSO Manager offers a new report « Cash forecast ».
This report is a help tool to manage your cash and reveals predictively the benefits of monitoring your accounts receivable.
Cash forecast report

My DSO Manager build this vision of the future through:
1the promises to pay of your customers
Example: You have entered a date of promise to pay for an invoice
2the payment behavior of each customer observed in our software → average number of days of late payment
Example: customer X has an average payment delay of 10 days, so the forecast will be « due date + 10 days »
3the average time of disputes resolution
Example: the average resolution time of a "price dispute" 14 days, so the forecast will be « due date + 14 days + average number of days of late payment »

Click here to see the DEMO

As for other reports (DSO, aging balance, items status...), the data are filterable by customer group, collector, analytic field...

Find more details and explanations in the online helpWhat is the cash forecast report?

Other developments are under way (internal interactive e-mails...) to continuously improving My DSO Manager while preserving its ease of use and relevance.