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View the aging balance as of previous dates!

It is now possible to display the aging balance report at an earlier date in My DSO Manager.

This approach is particularly relevant to review the evolution of overdue from one day to the next and to observe developments on previous dates (for example, at the end of each month, or from one year to the next).
Aging balance by date
This functionality is complementary to the report « Overdue trend » because it provides a more qualitative view of the situation of receivables. Indeed, the same amount of overdue does not reflect the same performance according to their aging category (0 - 30d, 31 - 60d, 61 - 90d, +90d).

Note that for dates prior to February 2017, the historical report is based on the initial amount of items and not on the remaining amount. This can create discrepencies if you have items whose amount is changing significantly over time.
For the dates after February 2017, this problem does not arise because any change of amount is archived in our database.