How to edit a mail coming from the scenario?
The collection scenarios allow you to define a series of collection actions and are 100% customizable. Once the collection scenarios are set and assigned to your customers, My DSO Manager will propose you the corresponding actions, visible from the client file and the collection agenda.
In the case of a "mail" type action, My DSO Manager directly generates a PDF document, based on the content defined in your scenario.
► To know more:
What is a collection scenario?
How to create or modify a collection scenario action?
How to assign a collection scenario to a client?
If you wish to modify the content proposed by default, all you have to do is to "re-date" the planned action by clicking on the calendar visible from the customer's file:

The initial date can be kept or modified as needed
You can then click on the "pencil" icon and thus access the content of the mail to modify it according to your needs:

In the case of a "mail" type action, My DSO Manager directly generates a PDF document, based on the content defined in your scenario.
► To know more:
What is a collection scenario?
How to create or modify a collection scenario action?
How to assign a collection scenario to a client?
If you wish to modify the content proposed by default, all you have to do is to "re-date" the planned action by clicking on the calendar visible from the customer's file:

The initial date can be kept or modified as needed
You can then click on the "pencil" icon and thus access the content of the mail to modify it according to your needs: