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Integrate Ellisphere scores and payment behavior scores into My DSO Manager!

For a more dynamic, integrated view of your clients' financial situation, the Ellisphere connector has evolved and now includes more information while providing full access to the Ellipro report with a single click.

Find the following information directly on the customer file, in the risk report, or in the alerts:
  • The Score
  • Recommended credit
  • The PayRank
  • The average payment delay
  • Financial events (bankruptcies, fiscal debts, ...)
Connect Ellisphere

This function allows you to monitor your outstandings on a daily basis by comparing them to Ellisphere's recommendations and data, facilitating credit risk management and receivable collection.

Ellisphere's data is easily accessible in your customer file:
Ellisphere in customer file
Hovering over the elements reveals the the histroy of changes. You can download the whole report in pdf format with just one click!

It is also possible to carry out alerts and customer searches using these information, for example to set the collection scenario based on the Ellisphere's rating score.

Contact us to set-up the connection between Ellisphere and My DSO Manager