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List of tags #Hashtag

Insert #Hashtag in your templates of emails and letters to dynamically retrieve the content to which they correspond.
For example, if you insert the tag « #items_list », a table will appear in the document containing all items (invoices, credit notes ...) of your customer account.
Simply copy and paste the chosen tag into the body of the email or dunning letter, then view the result by clicking on the « Preview » button:
How to use our Hashtag

Display customer data :

#Hashtag Description
#client_address Customer full adress
#client_address_city Customer city
#client_address_country Customer country
#client_address_postbox Customer PO Box
#client_address_state Customer state
#client_address_street Customer number and street
#client_address_zip Customer zip code
#client_blocked Account blocked
Yes or No
#client_business_line Business line
#client_code Customer code
#client_credit_limit Credit Limit
#client_credit_limit_available Available credit limit
#client_id Legal identifier
#client_name Customer name
#client_name_business Customer business name
#client_name_trading Customer trading name
#client_page_button Button for internal emails to go directly to the customer in My DSO Manager
#client_payment_mean Customer payment mean
#client_payment_term Customer payment term
#client_url Customer Website
#client_vat Customer VAT number

Display items and amounts :

#Hashtag Description
#items_amount Customer total receivable amount
#items_amount_disputes Total amount of disputed items
#items_amount_exclude_disputes Total amount excluding disputed items
#items_amount_exclude_disputes_and_litigations Total amount excluding disputed and litigation items
#items_amount_exclude_litigations Total amount excluding litigation items
#items_amount_include_late_penalties Total amount including late payments penalties and/or recovery cost (if enabled in the customer sheet)
#items_amount_late_penalties Late payment penalties amount and/or recovery cost (if enabled in the customer record)
#items_amount_not_due Total amount including only not due items
#items_amount_overdue Total overdue amount
#items_amount_overdue_disputes Overdue amount of disputed items
#items_amount_overdue_exclude_disputes Overdue amount excluding disputed items
#items_amount_overdue_exclude_disputes_and_litigations Overdue amount excluding disputed and litigation items
#items_amount_overdue_exclude_disputes_include_late_penalties Overdue amount excluding disputed items including late payments penalties and/or recovery cost (if enabled in the customer sheet)
#items_amount_overdue_exclude_litigations Overdue amount excluding litigation items
#items_amount_overdue_exclude_specific_actions Overdue amount excluding items in a specific action
#items_amount_overdue_include_late_penalties Overdue amount including late payment penalties and/or recovery cost (if enabled in the customer record)
#items_amount_rgl_only Total amount of settlement type coins
#items_amount_selected Selected total receivable amount
#items_amount_selected_include_late_penalties Selected total receivable amount including late payment penalties and/or recovery cost (if enabled in the customer record)
#items_amount_selected_late_penalties Selected total late payment penalties and/or recovery cost (if enabled in the customer record)
#items_list Full statement of account
#items_list_collection_grouped_splitted Grouped statement of accounts with subtotals by customer account for grouped reminders
Please contact us to activate this #Hashtag on your platform
#items_list_collection_grouped_splitted_overdue_exclude_disputes Grouped statement of accounts with subtotals by customer account for grouped reminders / Overdue items only, excluding disputed items
Please contact us to activate this #Hashtag on your platform
#items_list_disputes Statement of account of disputed items
#items_list_exclude_disputes Statement of account excluding disputed items
#items_list_exclude_disputes_and_litigations Statement of account excluding disputed and litigation items
#items_list_exclude_late_penalties Full statement of account without displaying late penalties and recovery cost
#items_list_exclude_litigations Statement of account excluding litigation items
#items_list_monthly Full statement of account including subtotals by month of due dates
#items_list_not_due Statement including only not due items
#items_list_overdue Statement of account with overdue items only
#items_list_overdue_disputes Statement of account with overdue disputed items only
#items_list_overdue_exclude_disputes Statement of account with overdue items only, excluding disputed items
#items_list_overdue_exclude_disputes_and_litigations Statement of account with overdue items only, excluding disputed and litigation items
#items_list_overdue_exclude_late_penalties Statement of account with overdue items only, without displaying late penalties and recovery cost
#items_list_overdue_exclude_litigations Statement of account with overdue items only, excluding litigation items
#items_list_overdue_exclude_specific_actions Statement of account with overdue items only, excluding items in a specific action
#items_list_selected Selected items statement
#payment_button Payment button corresponding to items of #items_list
#payment_button_disputes Payment button corresponding to items of #items_list_disputes
#payment_button_exclude_disputes Payment button corresponding to items of #items_list_exclude_disputes
#payment_button_exclude_litigations Payment button corresponding to items of #items_list_exclude_litigations
#payment_button_late_penalties Payment button corresponding to items of #items_list_late_penalties
#payment_button_not_due Payment button corresponding to items of #items_list_not_due
#payment_button_overdue Payment button corresponding to items of #items_list_overdue
#payment_button_overdue_disputes Payment button corresponding to items of #items_list_overdue_disputes
#payment_button_overdue_exclude_disputes Payment button corresponding to items of #items_list_overdue_exclude_disputes
#payment_button_overdue_exclude_disputes_and_litigations Payment button corresponding to items of #items_list_overdue_exclude_disputes_and_litigations
#payment_button_overdue_exclude_disputes_include_late_penalties Payment button corresponding to items of #items_list_overdue_exclude_disputes_include_late_penalties
#payment_button_overdue_exclude_litigations Payment button corresponding to items of #items_list_overdue_exclude_litigations
#payment_button_overdue_exclude_specific_actions Payment button corresponding to items of #items_list_overdue_exclude_specific_actions
#payment_button_overdue_include_late_penalties Payment button corresponding to items of #items_list_overdue
#payment_button_selected Payment button corresponding to items of #items_list_selected
#payment_button_selected_include_late_penalties Payment button corresponding to items of #items_list_selected_include_late_penalties

Display your informations :

#Hashtag Description
#my_company_address My company full address
#my_company_address_city My company city
#my_company_address_country My company country
#my_company_address_postbox My company PO Box
#my_company_address_state My company state
#my_company_address_street My company street
#my_company_address_zip My company zip code
#my_company_bank_bic My company BIC (Bank Identifier Code)
#my_company_bank_iban My company IBAN (International Bank Account Number)
#my_company_fax My company fax number
#my_company_id My company legal identifier
#my_company_logo My main company logo
#my_company_logo2 My company logo (number 2)
#my_company_logo3 My company logo (number 3)
#my_company_logo4 My company logo (number 4)
#my_company_logo5 My company logo (number 5)
#my_company_logo6 My company logo (number 6)
#my_company_logo7 My company logo (number 7)
#my_company_logo8 My company logo (number 8)
#my_company_logo9 My company logo (number 9)
#my_company_name My company name
#my_company_name_business My company business name
#my_company_name_trading My company trading name
#my_company_penalty_rate My company late payment penalties rate
#my_company_phone My company phone number
#my_company_signature My company's common signature format
#my_company_url My company Website
#my_company_vat My company VAT number
#my_email My personnal email
#my_fax My personnal fax number
#my_firstname My first name
#my_function My position in the company
#my_id_number My ID number
#my_lastname My last name
#my_name My full name (first name + last name)
#my_phone My fixed-line phone number
#my_phone_cell My mobile phone number
#my_profile_image Main image of my accountAdd _noresize to the end of Hashtag so that the image is not resized
#my_profile_image2 Image of my account (number 2)Add _noresize to the end of Hashtag so that the image is not resized
#my_profile_image3 Image of my account (number 3)Add _noresize to the end of Hashtag so that the image is not resized
#my_signature_image1 Image of my signature (number 1)Add _noresize to the end of Hashtag so that the image is not resized
#my_signature_image2 Image of my signature (number 2)Add _noresize to the end of Hashtag so that the image is not resized
#my_signature_image3 Image of my signature (number 3)Add _noresize to the end of Hashtag so that the image is not resized

Display some various data :

#Hashtag Description
#date_today Date of today (in the format defined in your account)
#date_more_X_days Date more X days (where X is a number from 1 to 365)
#interactive_export_button Button for your customer can download the statement of account (interactive emails must be activated in their customer file)
#interactive_page_button Button for your customer to access their account statement (interactive emails must be activated in their customer file)
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