Assistenza online
Management of users »

How to add images (photos, signatures ...) to your profile?

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Do you want to customize your dunning documents (emails, letters ...) sent to your customers or to the internal contacts in your company?

You can add profile photos and signature images per user and display them in your documents with the tags #Hashtag.

Images import

Select the image to import (png, gif or jpg format), validate to save, it's done.


Then simply copy/paste the corresponding #Hashtag to display the image in your collections documents. For example, the tag #my_profile_image to display the main image of your account.

The main image of your account (a priori your photo) appears in different places in My DSO Manager:

  • Near « My account » :

  • On the customer file if you are the account's collector :

  • On the item's comments :

Tick the box « Display my image in the interactive page » to make your main photo appear in the interactive pages:


This feature has many possible applications. For example :

  • Display your handwritten signature in the collection letters or emails using the tag #my_signature_image1 :

    Signature in dunning letter
  • Insert an image corresponding exactly to the official signature of his company
  • Insert a user-specific image (photo, logo...etc.)
  • Insert a promotional image of your company
  • Insert a picture with the message "print this email only if necessary"
  • ...

Tips → Add _noresize to the hashtag so that the image is not resized (eg: #my_signature_image1_noresize)

For multi-entity platforms and multi-entity users, images and signatures are managed at the entity level and at the inactive user account created in that entity. More information here.

Use these customization features to improve the relevancy of your automatic actions, so that they do not appear robotic, which would reduce their effectiveness.
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