Noticias My DSO Manager
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New report → overdue trend

Several novelties and improvements concerning the evolution of the results & performance will be put online in the coming weeks in My DSO Manager!

The first report added shows the evolution of overdue over time (weekly or monthly).
Overdue trend
Like the other reports, it is filterable by customer group, collector, status, analytical field ...

It also displays the trend of the overdue rate (global, + 30j, + 60j or more than 90j) as well as the total outstanding amount if it is selected.

A table then displays the list of clients and the evolution of overdue per customer.
Overdue trend by customer
This report is particularly relevant for assessing performance and determining where it comes from, taking into account several axes (status, groups, etc.).

Find this report « Overdue trend » in your My DSO Manager account in « Reports » tab.