Privacy Policy

Modification date : Tuesday, May 22 2018
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1. Privacy of your information

  • Your data are confidential and are hosted in France.
  • Your data are never transmitted or sold to a third party.
  • They remain 100% your exclusive property.
  • Your data are used exclusively for your use of the service MY DSO MANAGER to offer you the features corresponding with your needs.

2. Information collected

  • The information you provide :

    We collect and process information that you voluntarily provide us in order to use our services (such as your email address, your customers data, receivable, ...) and features of MY DSO MANAGER.
    In any case, we do not collect or process personal data revealing, directly or not, your racial or ethnic origins, political opinions, philosophical or religious, your union membership, health or sexual orientation.
  • Cookies :

    When you access to MY DSO MANAGER, the website might send one or more cookies (a small file containing a string of characters) to your computer to store data on your browser. They are used to improve the functioning of our service.
  • Login Information :

    When you connect to MY DSO MANAGER, it may be possible that we store your login information such as your browser and your IP address.
  • Personal data :

    MY DSO MANAGER is in compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) concerning « user data» and « customer contacts». List of personal data:
    • last name
    • first name
    • email
    • professional phone number
    • fax number
    • position in the company
    • title (Mr, Mrs, ...)

3. Security of your data

All information you upload to MY DSO MANAGER is encrypted via SSL. With SSL encryption, all the data you enter is encrypted using public / private key, ensuring safe transfer from your computer to the DSO MY MANAGER servers.
Your data is hosted in a fully secure cloud infrastructure that guarantees an always accessible application, fast and secure.
Your access codes are encrypted in the database. No one can read them including MY DSO MANAGER employees.

4. Systematic backup of your data

A backup is performed every day and ensures you will not lose your data. Backups are positioned in a different storage space and are kept for three months.

5. Reversibility: Recover your data anytime

You are the owner of your data: At any time, you can export them for use in other applications (Microsoft Office ...). If you decide to stop your subscription MY DSO MANAGER, you can recover your data and re-import it into another tool.
At any time you can edit and delete all your data via website interfaces.
You have a right to access, modify, rectify and delete your personal data.