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How to associate a colleague to your clients?

From the customized version, it is possible to create an unlimited number of users, whether they are active (who can connect to My DSO Manager), or inactive (who will be your internal contacts).

Once your users are created, you can associate them with your customers, which allows you to:

  • Quickly copy this person to emails reminders, disputes, payment promises, specific actions ...
  • Filter customers, items, reports by colleague
  • Give access to your colleagues so that they can quickly consult their customers ...

There are several ways to define or modify the colleague associated to your customers:

1. Inside the customer file

This method allows modification over time, as needed. Click on the arrow to the right of « Contact » then on + Associate a colleague

customer file assign a colleague

Select your colleague from the drop-down list if he's already exists in My DSO Manager, or create him in the Users Management. To add a user, see our online help: How to manage users?

To remove this association later, edit your customer file using the blue pen, select your colleague in the contact list and click on the « Delete » button

2. Mass change on a customer selection

This option is to be preferred when you want to associate one or several colleagues to a list of customers according to certain criteria. To do this, go to the tab ClientsLink:

Step 1 Search

Fill in your search criteria, or copy/paste a list of customer accounts from ExcelExcel (or other tool) in the Company code field:

customer search

Tips → once the desired selection is made, you can add the page to your internet browser favorites. Then your will only have to click on your favorite to find again this selection.

Step 2 Associate one or several colleagues

Display and select all the customers, then associate one or several colleagues to your customers (at the bottom of the page):

Associate a colleague

To remove an association, select one or several colleagues concerned and click on the Disassociate button

3. Mass change by importing customer data

When this information is available in your ERP, it is possible to import your colleague details (name, email, ...) to associate him when importing customers data.

Contact-us so that we can set up your platform.
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