Automatic import »

How to import your data automatically?

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To benefit from this interface, use a script that will send every night (for example), or several times a day, your open items, customers, users (optional) and contacts (optional) files to our server.
This program must send CSV or TXT files (semicolon separated file in the POST data) using the identifiers, addresses and syntaxes below:
how api works

Login to your account via our API

To log in, use this login and password:
Address / URL:
You must be logged in to view this information
Example « Headers »
POST ...
Authorization: You must be logged in to view this information


Use these options only if you need them:
Parameter API 描述
encoding all 文件格式
Possible values: UTF-8 (默认值), ISO-8859-1, ...
clear_items_not_modified items Clear automatically items?
Possible values:
  • true:« STOCK » mode → I import systematically all open items (invoices, credit notes, various operations ... not yet paid and cleared). In this case, if an item is present in an import day 'D' but not anymore in the next one at 'D 1', MY DSO MANAGER will clear it automatically.
  • false:« DELTA » mode → I prefer to make partial imports (not necessarily all open items) and I indicate to MY DSO MANAGER the items which are paid and cleared either by clearing them manually in the statement of account in the customer sheet, or by making imports of items cleared with the field 'Payment date' filled with the date of the clearance of the items.
默认值: false
replace_users_association users Replace clients/users associations 或 add only new clients/users associations?
Possible values: 0 或 1
默认值: 0
Example « Headers » 和 « Data »
POST /api/items?encoding=UTF-8&clear_items_not_modified=true HTTP/1.1


Add and modify your items (invoices, credit notes, ...)

Use SSL to secure your connections
Columns syntax of the CSV file:
数列 描述
client_code * 公司代码
item_amount_initial 原金额 不含税
item_amount_initial_inc_tax * 原金额 含税
Example / Possible values:
  • 1200
  • 1 200,00
  • 1200.00123
  • ...
item_amount_remaining 剩余金额 不含税
item_amount_remaining_inc_tax 剩余金额 含税
item_business_case 交易名称
item_currency 货币
Example: EUR, USD, ...
item_date_due * 到期日
日期格式: YYYY-MM-DD
item_date_issue * 签发日期
日期格式: YYYY-MM-DD
item_date_order 订单日期
日期格式: YYYY-MM-DD
item_date_payment 付款日期
日期格式: YYYY-MM-DD
item_erp_type 企业资源管理系统中单据类别
item_file_number 档案号
item_number * 单据号码
item_order_number 客户订单号
item_sales_administrative 销售主管
item_sales_manager 销售经理
item_type * 单据类型Link
Possible values: AVO, DPA, FAC, ODI, RGL, TRT
item_unique_key 唯一单据识别名
Example « Headers » 和 « Data »
POST /api/items HTTP/1.1
Authorization: You must be logged in to view this information

"FAC";"00000123";"C0001";"2024-04-26";"2024-05-03";"6 580,10";"USD"
必填数列 : client_code + item_type + item_number + item_date_issue + item_date_due + item_amount_initial_inc_tax

Add and modify your customers data

Use SSL to secure your connections
Columns syntax of the CSV file:
数列 描述
client_address_city 地址 (城市)
client_address_country 地址 (国家)
client_address_postbox 地址 (邮局信箱)
client_address_state 地址 (省份 / 地区)
client_address_street 地址 (街道)
client_address_street_line2 地址 (街道 行 2)
client_address_street_line3 地址 (街道 行 3)
client_address_street_number 地址 (n° 街道)
client_address_zip 地址 (邮政编码)
client_blocked 账户被锁 (是 / 否)
Possible values: 0, 1 (默认值: 0 <=> 否)
client_blocked_date 账户被锁 / 日期
日期格式: YYYY-MM-DD
client_business_line 市场
client_business_name * 公司注册名
client_code * 公司代码
client_comments 备注
client_commercial_email 与客户关联的销售人员 / 邮件
client_commercial_fax 与客户关联的销售人员 / 传真
client_commercial_firstname 与客户关联的销售人员 / 名
client_commercial_lastname 与客户关联的销售人员 / 姓
client_commercial_matricule 与客户关联的销售人员 / 证件号码
client_commercial_phone 与客户关联的销售人员 / 电话
client_commercial_phone_cell 与客户关联的销售人员 / 手机号
client_credit_limit 风险 / 信用额度
client_email 邮件
client_fax 传真
client_group 集团
List of customer groups separated by commas
client_guarantee_insurer 风险 / 担保方
client_guarantee_insurer_reference 风险 / 保险人资料
client_guarantee_score 风险 / 得分
client_guarantee_temporary 风险 / 临时担保
client_guarantee_temporary_date_end 风险 / 临时担保 / 结束日期
client_guarantee_temporary_date_start 风险 / 临时担保 / 开始日期
client_guarantee_type 风险 / 保证类型
client_guarantees_currency 风险 / 担保货币
client_id 公司注册号
client_order_backlog 订货清单
client_others_guarantees 风险 / 其他担保
client_payment_mean 付账方式
client_payment_term 付账期
client_phone 电话
client_phone_cell 手机号
client_siret Siret
(for French companies)
client_trading_name 品牌名
client_unique_key 唯一客户识别名
client_url 网站
client_vat 增值税税号
Example « Headers » 和 « Data »
POST /api/clients HTTP/1.1
Authorization: You must be logged in to view this information

"My company";"C0001";"FR12345678";"France"
必填数列 : client_code + client_business_name

Add contacts to your customers

Use SSL to secure your connections
Columns syntax of the CSV file:
数列 描述
client_code * 公司代码
contact_collection 催款联系人 (是 / 否)
Possible values: 0, 1 (默认值: 0 <=> 否)
contact_comments 备注
contact_email 邮件
contact_fax 传真
contact_lastname *
contact_phone 电话
contact_phone_cell 手机号
contact_role 角色
Possible values:
  • accounting: 会计员
  • buyer: 购买方
  • company: 公司
  • manager: 领导人
  • other: 其他 (默认值)
contact_title 头衔 (先生,女士...)
contact_unique_key 唯一联络人识别名
Example « Headers » 和 « Data »
POST /api/contacts HTTP/1.1
Authorization: You must be logged in to view this information

必填数列 : client_code + contact_lastname

Associate users with your customers

Use SSL to secure your connections
Columns syntax of the CSV file:
数列 描述
client_code * 公司代码
user_email 邮件
user_lastname *
user_matricule 证件号码
Example « Headers » 和 « Data »
POST /api/users HTTP/1.1
Authorization: You must be logged in to view this information

必填数列 : client_code + user_lastname
If you want, you can use the path "/apiPutFiles/" to import the files asynchronously.

Return data

After performing the POST of these data MY DSO MANAGER will process immediately and will respond if there was an error or how much data has been added and updated.
This response will be in JSON format and returns the following information:
字段 描述
success Indicates if the import was done successfully
Possible values: true, false
error_code Error code (if there was an error)
error_description Error message (if there was an error)
exception_lines Lines ignored (not defined if no lines ignored)
nb_client_added 个客户已被添加
nb_client_modified 个客户已被修改
nb_contact_added 个联系方式已被添加
nb_item_added 个单据已被添加
nb_item_modified 个单据已被修改
nb_user_added 添加了个用户
nb_user_modified 更改了个用户
Example « Response »
	"success": "true",
	"nb_client_added": 0,
	"nb_client_modified": 0,
	"nb_contact_added": 0,
	"nb_item_added": 5,
	"nb_item_modified": 2,
	"nb_user_added": 0,
	"nb_user_modified": 0,
	"exception_lines": {
		"line 3": "Column count doesn't match (defined=8, found=10)",
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