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Automatic import »

How to import your data automatically?

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To benefit from this interface, use a script that will send every night (for example), or several times a day, your open items, customers, users (optional) and contacts (optional) files to our server.
This program must send CSV or TXT files (semicolon separated file in the POST data) using the identifiers, addresses and syntaxes below:
how api works

Login to your account via our API

To log in, use this login and password:
Address / URL:
You must be logged in to view this information
Exemplo « Headers »
POST ...
Authorization: You must be logged in to view this information

Opções de importação

Use these options only if you need them:
Parameter API Descrição
encoding all Formato do arquivo
Possible values: UTF-8 (predefinido), ISO-8859-1, ...
clear_items_not_modified items Clear automatically items?
Possible values:
  • true:« STOCK » mode → I import systematically all open items (invoices, credit notes, various operations ... not yet paid and cleared). In this case, if an item is present in an import day 'D' but not anymore in the next one at 'D 1', MY DSO MANAGER will clear it automatically.
  • false:« DELTA » mode → I prefer to make partial imports (not necessarily all open items) and I indicate to MY DSO MANAGER the items which are paid and cleared either by clearing them manually in the statement of account in the customer sheet, or by making imports of items cleared with the field 'Payment date' filled with the date of the clearance of the items.
Predefinido: false
replace_users_association users Replace clients/users associations ou add only new clients/users associations?
Possible values: 0 ou 1
Predefinido: 0
Exemplo « Headers » e « Data »
POST /api/items?encoding=UTF-8&clear_items_not_modified=true HTTP/1.1


Add and modify your items (invoices, credit notes, ...)

Use SSL to secure your connections
Columns syntax of the CSV file:
Colunas Descrição
client_code * Código do cliente
item_amount_initial Valor inicial sem IVA
item_amount_initial_inc_tax * Valor inicial com IVA
Exemplo / Possible values:
  • 1200
  • 1 200,00
  • 1200.00123
  • ...
item_amount_remaining Valor restante sem IVA
item_amount_remaining_inc_tax Valor restante com IVA
item_business_case Business case
item_currency Divisa
Exemplo: EUR, USD, ...
item_date_due * Data de vencimento
Formato da data: YYYY-MM-DD
item_date_issue * Data de emissão
Formato da data: YYYY-MM-DD
item_date_order Data do pedido
Formato da data: YYYY-MM-DD
item_date_payment Data de pagamento
Formato da data: YYYY-MM-DD
item_erp_type Tipo de item ERP
item_file_number Número do dossiê
item_number * Número de documento
item_order_number Número do pedido
item_sales_administrative Administrativo de vendas
item_sales_manager Gerente de vendas
item_type * Tipo de itemLink
Possible values: AVO, DPA, FAC, ODI, RGL, TRT
item_unique_key Identificador único do item
Exemplo « Headers » e « Data »
POST /api/items HTTP/1.1
Host: account.mydsomanager.com
Authorization: You must be logged in to view this information

"FAC";"00000123";"C0001";"2024-04-26";"2024-05-03";"6 580,10";"USD"
Colunas obrigatórias : client_code + item_type + item_number + item_date_issue + item_date_due + item_amount_initial_inc_tax

Add and modify your customers data

Use SSL to secure your connections
Columns syntax of the CSV file:
Colunas Descrição
client_address_city Endereço (Cidade)
client_address_country Endereço (País)
client_address_postbox Endereço (Caixa postal)
client_address_state Endereço (Estado / Província)
client_address_street Endereço (Rua)
client_address_street_line2 Endereço (Rua Linha 2)
client_address_street_line3 Endereço (Rua Linha 3)
client_address_street_number Endereço (n° Rua)
client_address_zip Endereço (Código postal)
client_blocked Conta bloqueada (Sim / Não)
Possible values: 0, 1 (predefinido: 0 <=> Não)
client_blocked_date Conta bloqueada / Data
Formato da data: YYYY-MM-DD
client_business_line Área de negócio
client_business_name * Razão social
client_code * Código do cliente
client_comments Comentários
client_commercial_email Gerente de vendas associado ao cliente / E-mail
client_commercial_fax Gerente de vendas associado ao cliente / Fax
client_commercial_firstname Gerente de vendas associado ao cliente / Nome
client_commercial_lastname Gerente de vendas associado ao cliente / Sobrenome
client_commercial_matricule Gerente de vendas associado ao cliente / Matrícula
client_commercial_phone Gerente de vendas associado ao cliente / Telefone
client_commercial_phone_cell Gerente de vendas associado ao cliente / Celular
client_credit_limit Risco / Limite de crédito
client_email E-mail
client_fax Fax
client_group Grupos
List of customer groups separated by commas
client_guarantee_insurer Risco / Garantia seguradora
client_guarantee_insurer_reference Risco / Referência da seguradora
client_guarantee_score Risco / Score
client_guarantee_temporary Risco / Garantia temporária
client_guarantee_temporary_date_end Risco / Garantia temporária / Data final
client_guarantee_temporary_date_start Risco / Garantia temporária / Data de início
client_guarantee_type Risco / Tipo de garantia
client_guarantees_currency Risco / Divisa das garantias
client_id Identificação fiscal
client_order_backlog Carteira de pedidos
client_others_guarantees Risco / Outras garantias
client_payment_mean Meio de pagamento
client_payment_term Prazo para pagamento
client_phone Telefone
client_phone_cell Celular
client_siret Siret
(for French companies)
client_trading_name Nome comercial
client_unique_key Identificador único de cliente
client_url Site web
client_vat Número de IVA
Exemplo « Headers » e « Data »
POST /api/clients HTTP/1.1
Host: account.mydsomanager.com
Authorization: You must be logged in to view this information

"My company";"C0001";"FR12345678";"France"
Colunas obrigatórias : client_code + client_business_name

Add contacts to your customers

Use SSL to secure your connections
Columns syntax of the CSV file:
Colunas Descrição
client_code * Código do cliente
contact_collection Contato para cobrança (Sim / Não)
Possible values: 0, 1 (predefinido: 0 <=> Não)
contact_comments Comentários
contact_email E-mail
contact_fax Fax
contact_firstname Nome
contact_lastname * Sobrenome
contact_phone Telefone
contact_phone_cell Celular
contact_role Função
Possible values:
  • accounting: Contador
  • buyer: Cliente
  • company: Empresa
  • manager: Diretor executivo
  • other: Outro (predefinido)
contact_title Título (Sr, Sra ...)
contact_unique_key Identificador único de contato
Exemplo « Headers » e « Data »
POST /api/contacts HTTP/1.1
Host: account.mydsomanager.com
Authorization: You must be logged in to view this information

Colunas obrigatórias : client_code + contact_lastname

Associate users with your customers

Use SSL to secure your connections
Columns syntax of the CSV file:
Colunas Descrição
client_code * Código do cliente
user_email E-mail
user_firstname Nome
user_lastname * Sobrenome
user_matricule Matrícula
Exemplo « Headers » e « Data »
POST /api/users HTTP/1.1
Host: account.mydsomanager.com
Authorization: You must be logged in to view this information

Colunas obrigatórias : client_code + user_lastname
If you want, you can use the path "/apiPutFiles/" to import the files asynchronously.

Return data

After performing the POST of these data MY DSO MANAGER will process immediately and will respond if there was an error or how much data has been added and updated.
This response will be in JSON format and returns the following information:
Campo Descrição
success Indicates if the import was done successfully
Possible values: true, false
error_code Error code (if there was an error)
error_description Error message (if there was an error)
exception_lines Lines ignored (not defined if no lines ignored)
nb_client_added Clientes adicionados
nb_client_modified Clientes modificados
nb_contact_added Contatos adicionados
nb_item_added Itens adicionados
nb_item_modified Itens modificados
nb_user_added Usuários adicionados
nb_user_modified Usuários atualizados
Exemplo « Response »
	"success": "true",
	"nb_client_added": 0,
	"nb_client_modified": 0,
	"nb_contact_added": 0,
	"nb_item_added": 5,
	"nb_item_modified": 2,
	"nb_user_added": 0,
	"nb_user_modified": 0,
	"exception_lines": {
		"line 3": "Column count doesn't match (defined=8, found=10)",
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