For Groups who benefit of a multi-entity platform on
My DSO Manager, the
Ultimate Parent Number is a grouping code that allows to link common customers to several entities in order to have a consolidated vision of outstandings,
credit limits, etc.
For example, if several entities have « Salomon » as a common client, adding the same grouping code « Salomon » (or any other reference) in each account will allow
My DSO Manager to automatically perform this consolidation at the multi-entity level.
This approach has multiple benefits regarding customers
credit risk management and highlights the overall situation of large accounts about late payments. It is also interesting for
Sales Managers due to the visibility it brings with.
In case you have multiple accounts accross your entities with the same
Legal ID filled in
My DSO Manager, the consolidation of outstanding amounts is done automatically in the multi-entity
aging balance report without this advanced feature.
Ultimate Parent Number can be added manually to the customer account or automatically by the customers data file and must be unique for each buyer you want to consolidate the Accounts
How to use the Ultimate Parent Number?
1. Add the Ultimate Parent Number in customer sheet:

2. See the consolidated risk report:
If you want to benefit of this feature:
Contact us