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How to manage Accounts Receivable at Group level with My DSO Manager's Multi-Entity platforms?

How to manage Accounts Receivable at Group level with My DSO Manager's Multi-Entity platforms?

What is a Multi-Entity platform?

It is a key tool to manage Accounts Receivable for a Group.
The Multi-Entity platform allows to:
  • Gather all the entities / countries in one and the same space.
  • Consolidate the outstanding amounts of the various legal structures.
  • Get a set of reports positioned at Group level.

Why choose the Multi-entity platform?

To manage several companies of the same group with a single personalized access:

  • Custom url:
  • Personalized login for all users.
  • One access for each user with defined access rights for each of them.

To have a global vision with consolidated reports:
Everything is online and in real time. Coverage for all your entities whether they are located in your country or around the world. No limit in number of entities.

Multi-entity reports

From Aging Balance to Consolidated Risk, including cash forecast and others, multi-entity reports provide you with a Corporate vision that is essential for steering credit management at Group level.

The KMI report (Key Management Indicator): several indicators to check the optimal use of the functionalities of My DSO Manager (Onboarding Success).

  • To have a consolidated view of the outstandings of the same customer from several entities:
    • Management of your exposure to the entire Group with zoom by legal entity.
    • Significant time savings, data reliability, information immediacy.

  • To integrate the Cash and Risk visions throughout your Group.
    • A systemic approach that allows you to start from a global view to go to the detail of each invoice if necessary.
  • To have online the ranking of your customers and / or the evolution of your performance per week or month.

Multi-entity reports evolution of delays

Synthesis :

  • My DSO Manager provides you online, in real time, with your consolidated Group reports!
  • My DSO Manager offers you filters for a more analytical focus.
  • My DSO Manager allows you to switch from consolidated vision to invoice and customer level in a few clicks.

Don't wait any longer to equip yourself with a Multi-Entity platform, an essential lever to improve your performance and therefore your cash.