The import of
receivable data is essential in
My DSO Manager and should be performed frequently in order to have the situation of customers accounts up to date in the application.
It is possible to send a daily file on our server to be automatically integrated.
→ See more: How to import data automatically?
Data preparation
Make an extraction of your accounting tool in
Excel. For the first upload, it should include
all open items of your accounts
receivable, ie all invoices, credit notes, unallocated payments, various operations, items in transit, that are not yet cleared. Save this file in .csv, .txt or .xls format.
For the following imports, you can either continue importing all items not cleared on the date of import (STOCK mode), or perform partial imports, for example items issued and in addition those closed since the last import ( DELTA mode).
See below for more information.
Your file must contain at least the following information:
- item number
item number shall be
unique by civil year. If this is not the case, you need to import another field that is the unique identifier for an item. This field has to be associated to
My DSO Manager's field « Unique item identifier ». Other solution,
contact us in order we create a unique item identifier on our side.
- customer code
- issue date (recommended format: dd/mm/yyyy or yyyy/mm/dd)
- due date (recommended format: dd/mm/yyyy or yyyy/mm/dd)
- initial amount inc. Tax
- If your file has 2 columns, debit and credit (general ledger type), this format is also supported with the fields « Credit amount » and « Debit amount ». These 2 columns will replace the column « Initial amount inc. Tax »
- If your file has 2 columns, one with the amount in absolute value, and the other with the direction of the part (Debit or Credit), associate this second column with the « Sense of writing » field.
- item type (see below for more information if this field is not available in your data)
During your first import, it is also possible to add items to your file that have already been paid and settled over a certain period, for example the last 6 months. This allows
My DSO Manager to have a history for the calculation of indicators such as the
DSO. To do this, the «
Payment date » field must be completed and contain the date on which each item was cleared.
Import of the « Items » file
Go to our import module, in the Admin tab,
Import / Export your data
Select the file by clicking the button provided for this purpose and select « Items ». Then click the « Submit » button.

You have two import options with the question
"Clear automatically items?" :
- « STOCK » mode: if you answer yes, it is necessary for each upload to import all the unpaid documents (for example the invoices issued but not yet paid and cleared). If an invoice is sent on a 'D' day but is no longer present in the file during the import carried out on D + xx, My DSO Manager will consider it as having been paid and will balance it in the system.
- « DELTA » mode: if you answer no, you can make partial imports (not including all open items) without My DSO Manager automatically clearing the missing documents. You can clear the items, either by manually action in the account statement of the customer, or by including in the import files the items paid since the last import with the 'Payment date' field filled in with the date of the lettering of the item.
Then associate the information in your file with the fields of My DSO Manager:
Go to the bottom of the import page and click on "Don't forget to associate your items types ...":
It is necessary to associate the types of documents of your accounting tool with those of
My DSO Manager. There are 6 of them (you will not necessarily have to use all of them):
- Invoice : corresponding to invoices. Debit items (+)
- Credit Note : corresponding to credit notes. Credit items (-)
- Payment : unallocated payments. Credit items (-)
- Miscellaneous operation : miscellaneous operations(OD). Debit (+) or credit (-) items
- Draft : items in transit (drafts, bill of exchange). Debit items (+)
- Dowpayment request : payment requests. These are memorandum items without accounting value. Debit items (+)
- If some items are inconsistent, for example, a invoice with a credit amount (-), they are anyway imported properly. A warning message appears in the history of imports.
- If the association of items types is not made, My DSO Manager considers debit amount as invoices and credit amounts as payments.
Finally, click on the button Import to import accounting documents.
This setting is to be done only once. For you next import it will be automatically applied and you will have no setup to perform.